Thursday, August 01, 2013

The Beginning and Some Honesty

Welcome! To myself, to others. As the title of this blog suggests, I am undertaking a massive change of self. It's not as if I haven't been working on this for some time already. I have just not completed the transformation in its entirety. What we're mostly talking about here is of the physical variety. That's right; the age-old weight loss struggle.

Boring, I know. And it really is, hence the reason it is such a monumental task for so many. You consume boring, tasteful food. Work out at the boring, tasteless gym. I am totally one of the people that finds this whole process a yawn fest. Give me a book over a workout routine any day. Luckily, the food dilemma has gotten better. I've found some great ways to cook healthy, YUMMY food. I'm gluten free (no foods with wheat, rye, barley, etc) and honestly love it. I follow a mostly Paleo diet with a few exceptions like potatoes. I still love me some sugar though. The biggest issue with that being that I can't stop with a *little* sugar. We're talking entire large bags of candy in one sitting type of issue. And that, ladies and gentleman, is the first time I have admitted that shit publicly. Oh, the dirty little secrets you will encounter here. Alas, self control is the name of the game. I do very good for some time and then derail myself with a little "treat" here and there, which turns into a full blown sugar-until-I-puke-athon. It's my own personal little addiction. Like cigarettes, it feels damn near impossible to kick. I've decided to try a different approach to my weight loss success this 1 millionth go around. It includes ignoring my naturally lazy (another bombshell admission) tendencies and really becoming more involved with the planning and execution of these delicious healthy meals I referred to a paragraph ago. The other part of my plan; ditch the ideas of running 10 miles a day into the sunset and refocus my workout energy on something more productive. Let's be honest, I'm five foot nothin' and built like the quintessential German Bertha character; short, stocky, huge boobs, but generally strong as hell. I will NEVER have the lithe grace and height of a prima ballerina. So why keep forcing myself to try to conform to the unrealistic image that is portrayed as "classic beauty" by society?

Playing to my strengths is the key to this stupid struggle. With that, I LOVE lifting. Oh yea, sweat inducing, balls-to-the-wall, manly-as-hell, heavy free weight lifting. Something most women avoid like the plague. Why, you ask? Simple. I'm naturally a muscular lady. Muscle consumes much more resting energy than the tubs of fat I got hanging out all over. Which means by accentuating muscle mass, by default more energy is consumed. Add the lifting to a regimen of plyometrics in place of endless, repetitive cardio and you have a workout I would actually enjoy. Enjoyment=motivation.

The last trick up my sleeve is tossing out that damn scale. I become an obsessive weigher. That only leads to frustration and derailment when I see little to no change during plateau times. I'm impatient; I want results NOW... not the several months down the road this type of change actually takes. In the end, my goal is health. And I really actually have that MENTALITY this time around, which changes the game entirely. Until next time.        

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